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best hunting farm: Blue wildebeest bull 161kg slaughtered   Koos se Eland: Eland   Skelm koedoe bul: This guy just didn't like to pose for a picture.   George with his first kudu: George shot the kudu with a .300 Win MAG  

Impala shot by Ryan: Ryan Impala   Red Hartebees for Stephen: Red Hartebees for Stephen   Impala for Steffen: Steffen shot this Impala with Jaco van Vuuren. Steffen is from Leipzig in Germany.   Zebra for Nick: Nick Rice came out with PH Kobus van Vuuren and shot this nice Zebra.  

Gemsbok: Nick came out with PH Kobus van Vuuren. Nick's from Indiana in the USA,   Maryke with her Bluewildebees: Blouwildebees April 2012   Impala Ram: Impala   Maryke Impala Ram: Impala Ram 10 September 2011  

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